Fark about

Frank Farkette


Frank Farquhar here.

Welcome to the Fark Australia website.

You’ve come at a time when we’re working flat out behind the scenes building the fark brand.

Like most organisations we’re taking steps to bring about massive change within the organisation.

We’ve got rid of a lot of geriatrics and drones from our Board and management team.

We’ve brought out the broom and we’re making a fresh start.

We recently brought in fresh blood and they’re getting their act into gear and creating a vibrant and dynamic organisation that farkers in Australia and around the world can be proud to be a part of.

A lot of our members were brought up in the age of typewriters, Roneo newsletters and snail mail. We’ve finally got rid of them and we’re powering ahead into the electronic age. If you want us to send you a letter, I can tell you one thing, ‘You’ll be waiting a long time.’

We’re on Facebook. Just search for Fark Australia, give us a like and then hang onto your seat while we send you regular tidbits of fark stuff, moments, nonsense, jokes and occasionally something that’s awesome.

If you get amusing ‘stuff’ from your friends, why not send it to us and we’ll pass it on.

Our merchandise program is now up and runn ing with the Classic fark black and white t-shirts.

Just click on the image. Go directly to the merchandise home page, ‘without passing go’.

Before you go, complete the Fark Dickhead Test.

In the meantime stay tuned.



National Executive Director
