Royal Order of the Fark

Royal Order of the Fark certificate

If you’re a fair dinkum bloke or sheila and you reckon you’re an honest farker you can join the prestigious Royal Order of the Fark, an organisation for people who like a quiet drink (of any description) and thoughtful companionship, something that transcends membership of organisations fueled by myth, legend and superstition.

In other spheres of life you have to earn the royal order. At Fark Australia you can becoming a member just by completing the optin form on the home page or downloading the Fark Ring Tone.

The Royal Order of the Fark is a communion of farkers dedicated to the belief that they’re here for a good time, not a long time; a brotherhood, united in their resolve to keep life in perspective. The motto – ‘don’t give a fark when a fark doesn’t matter.’

Farkers of the world value success more than failure, prosperity more than poverty, health more than illness, esteem more than guilt, joy more than sadness, vitality more than dullness, and themselves more than others. Their first commandment, look after your Self: their second commandment, have fun.

Farkers of the world are more interested in being than knowing. They are happy to leave the unfathomable stuff (where they came from, how old the world is, where they go when they die …) to other minds, greater or less than their own to ponder on for the next 1000 years!

Farkers of the world unite, you have nothing to lose but the chains of your inhibitions, attachments and addictions to a dull, boring and colorless life. Once you’ve done that you can truly mount up and soar on the wings of those famous crows of antiquity.

Frank Farkette
Frank Farquhar, National Executive Director Royal Order of the Fark

You’ll be free to say what you want to say, do what you want to do, go where you want to go, live with whom you want to live, be what you want to be.

Pull yourself together; fark yourself up.


Fark has no boundaries, is beyond culture and transcends geography, race, ethnicity, religion, social status, financial situation, gender, occupation


Become the member of the exclusive Royal Order of the Fark club by completing the optin form on the Fark home page.

Here’s what you’ll receive.

  1. The fark phone ring tone app
  2. Membership certificate for the Royal Order of the Fark
  3. Fark news.

Fark Files

You probably already get a lot of nonsense from your mates, but we’ve got a premium collection of the stuff.

Being a membership-based organisation we’ll be relying on members to send us the best of the nonsense they receive so we can pass it on. It’s got to be funny and not too crude. Put Frank Farquhar on your email circulation list.

Keep abreast with what’s farking. Like Fark Australia on Facebook:

Send us your jokes.

Get yourself on TV wearing a fark tee-shirt – at the tennis, the football, the golf … and send us a clip to put on the website.

Fark and the whole world farks with you. Fart and you sleep alone.